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Kids with Bricks - Lego Club

We offer Lego clubs after school on a Monday for KS1 and Wednesdays for KS2.  We offer limited places (12) and it must be booked and paid through Kids with Bricks who offer this club to our school children.  

We currently have vacancies on our KS2 evening for children in years 3-6.  If you think your child would be interested in doing a 6 week club, please click here to be taken to their page to make the payment.

Team Spirit - After School Clubs 2025

Dates for your Diary

Team Spirit October Flyer


Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

Please click here for news and activities taking place:

Team Wilder | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (


Summer Holiday Flyer for Regents Park and Shirley Juniors

There are FREE spaces available for children in receipt of pupil premium funding through Southampton HAF.

Half Term Flyer

After-School Clubs for the Summer Term

More Dates for Safer Internet Training

This session introduces you to the Cyber Choices programme, led by the National Crime Agency, and delivered locally by SEROCU (the South East Regional Organised Crime Unit). Cyber Choices is a programme that supports those people at risk of committing computer misuse offences, such as hacking. These risks are far more real than most people recognise, with around 1 in 4 young people admitting to committing low-harm cybercrimes, perhaps without even realising what they were doing was illegal.
Ideally suited to parents/carers of children in Year 3 (age 7) and above, all the way up to college, university and beyond, this session will help parents and carers to understand what computer misuse is, what the risks to young people are, to recognise some of the indicators that young people may be involved in committing cybercrimes, and how the Cyber Choices programme supports at-risk individuals.

These webinars are best suited to parents of children in KS2 (aged 7) and above.  

When: Feb 20, 2024 20:00 GMT


When: Feb 27, 2024 10:00 GMT


When: Feb 28, 2024 20:00 GMT


When: Mar 4, 2024 11:00 GMT


When: Mar 4, 2024 20:00 London


If anyone has any issues with booking on to any of the sessions, please contact the SEROCU Cyber Choices team on

Safer Internet Online Training

Next week, to support Safer Internet Day, the Regional Organised Crime Unit will be running a parent webinar explaining Cyber Choices and the risks to young people of committing computer misuse offences.

This risk is now a Safeguarding risk, named within Keeping Children Safe in Education, so to try and further raise awareness of this, we want to reach out and explain to parents/guardians - as well as safeguarding leads and partner agencies through our other presentations – just how young people can cross the line into cyber crime.

We will be running this webinar three times throughout next week, at the following times:

Tuesday 6th February 13:00-14:00

Thursday 8th February 09:30-10:30

Thursday 8th February 20:00-21:00

And the invitation details are listed below.  Click on the + to access the booking link for the date and time you would like:

Cyber Choices for Parents & Carers:                                                            February 6th 2024 at 1pm - 2pm London

Cyber Choices for Parents & Carers:                                                  February 8th 2024 at 9.30am - 10.30am London

Cyber Choices for Parents & Carers:                                                February 8th 2024 at 8pm - 9pm London

After registering, a confirmation email containing further information about joining the webinar will be automatically sent out. 

If anyone has any further questions, or wants to know more, please email:

Love your Journey

Deadline for submitting your entries is 23rd February.

Team Spirit

12th - 16th February


Here are some events being run by Family Hub and the locations if you would be interested:




Some Activities running within our Community

Family Move night 

Friends of St James Park and St James’ by the Park church are running a family movie night this Saturday, 4pm-6pm. Free entry and refreshments. Kids are invited to wear their pyjamas and bring a blanket or cuddly toy. Showing ’the star’ on the big screen in the church. To help with catering, please indicate if you’re hop ing to come by signing up via    


Christmas on the Green

This annual outdoor event includes crafts, free hot drinks, a Photo Booth, some games, live music, singalong carols and more - a great event for the whole Shirley community. Saturday 16th December, 3.30pm - 5pm, on Colebrook Green. See   for full details. 

Advent window trail

Looking for an excuse to get the kids out of the house? Each day during advent, a new window display is being unveiled, following the theme of a Christmas carol. Wonder round and admire the creativity, and see if you can guess the carol! See   to get going. 


                               Sheep in Shirley

Another fun activity to get kids out of the house - find knitted sheep hidden in shops, cafes and businesses in our local area. This runs until 16th December. Pick up a list of locations from Shirley Library, St James Park Cafe or Make and Brew Cafe to get started. If you find them all, you can enter the prize draw to win one of the knitted sheep at Christmas on the Green. 

Christingle service

At St James’ by the Park church, they’re having a Christingle event on Christmas Eve at 10am to which all Wordsworth families (and others!) are warmly invited. 

This event is happening at St Marks School if you would be interested in attending.


Team Spirit_Tiny Spirits




Fireworks event to support the local Scouts


Regents Park Swimming Lessons

January 2023

No news stories have been added to this category yet.

January 2023