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Times Tables Rockstars Winners!

Year Group Closures

We are very sorry to inform you that, due to staff illness, school will be closed on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th March to all Year 4 and 5 children.

School is open for all other children and we expect to see them in school even if brothers and sisters are at home.

The work for your child will be on Google Classroom and your child knows how to log on to this to complete the learning.

We look forward to seeing everyone in school on Monday 28th March.

Best wishes

Julie-Anne Palfrey (Headteacher)

Congratulations Received!

Please click on the link below for the story on our International School Award!


Please click on the attached link below for an article from the RSPB on Wordsworth!

Wordsworth Primary School has successfully met the criteria for the British Council International School Award!

"It is clear to see that you are keen to use the International School Award to develop your existing international activities and see it as a framework with which to enrich and broaden the curriculum and engender a wider awareness and understanding of global issues - preparing your pupils for their role as active global citizens. There is evidence of real commitment to the agenda and that the school is beginning to embed and instil a genuine international ethos into the wider community with the diversity of language and culture across the school being celebrated." 

This week, 4GN are feeling victorious following our Times Table Rock Stars win!  If you haven’t been on to the website and had a go, speak to your teacher about logins – it’s really quite addictive!

In Science this week, we carried on learning about the digestive system and completed an experiment exploring the function of each part. It wasn’t for the faint hearted – ask a member of 4GN for the details!

In maths we’ve been having fun with equivalent fractions - parents, don’t try and keep the bigger pizza slices for yourselves….we’re on to you now!Please enter some content for your blog post here